Unbreakable (Forehead Kisses #1) by Abby Reynolds

Unbreakable (Forehead Kisses #1)
Can there be too many pieces to piece back together?
This is a question Keira faces every day. It’s impossible for her to go anywhere unaccompanied by her cousin, the only person who knows what happened on that horrific night a year ago. The guilt and pain weigh her down every day. Unwilling to open up to anyone and give someone a chance, she lives in solitude.
For her, that’s the only way to live.
Liam struggles with his own demons. After losing someone who means the world to him, he combats his anger and pain on a daily basis. He dives into violence and sex, losing himself more and more. But as soon as he meets Keira, he recognizes the same pain he suffers every day. And he pursues her, wanting to connect to someone who understands.
Keira can’t put herself back together, and neither can Liam. But can they do it together?
Unbreakable was a surprisingly good read. I really enjoyed the story and cared about the characters and what they were going through. It was heartbreaking at times, but then so sweet at times as well. The story opens with Keira and her cousin out at a bar drinking. The cousin goes to hit on a girl after Kiera encourages him to and while he is gone some guys comes up and starts talking to her. She completely freaks out and it is not good. You know right away that whatever happened to Kiera was not good and really messed her up. Her cousin, Scotty, is the only guy she is comfortable around. She pretty much has been holed up in her house or with Scotty for the past year since whatever happened. Man, you just feel for her. She is obviously so terrified of guys, any guy, and really not living much of a life.
It has been a year since what happened, and Kiera is not really getting any better. Scotty is finally trying to get her to think about getting professional help. He is trying to get her to go talk to someone so she can try and have a life again. It is not good for her to be so scared of everything all the time and have completely over the top irrational responses to other people. He is slowly trying to get her to try doing new, simple things. He is pushing on her comfort zone a bit to try and get her to start working through her issues. It is slowly revealed what happened to traumatize Kiera and man. Leading up to that I was thinking it was going to be way worse, but it is bad enough as it is. She definitely holds herself responsible for some things that are not really her fault like a lot of people in situations like this. She has had a rough little while there and you just feel for her and want her to get better.
Liam is Scotty's friend and he has some skeletons in his closet as well. He lost someone close to him and that makes him very angry. He uses that anger to make a living in competitive fighting. He is great at is as he just tunes into that anger he has been holding onto for so long. He doesn't really do relationships as he thinks he wouldn't be very good for anyone else. He is broken and he doesn't want to inflict that on someone else who is whole. Why share this anger and pain and darkness with someone else?
When Kiera and Liam meet you can tell Liam is drawn to her. He is this big muscular guy who really kind of frightens Kiera. He tries his best to be not intimidating and keep her calm and it is really sweet to watch. He recognizes the shared pain that they have. He doesn't know what happened to her, but he sees his own struggles and pain in her. He doesn't give up and pushes Kiera out of her comfort zone at times, but when she runs away he always comes back to try and fix it and move her forward. He doesn't push too hard, but enough that she starts doing more things that she hasn't in a while. She starts being comfortable around Liam and expanding her circle of friend. They are really great together once they can work everything out. Liam is perfect for Kiera and helps her work through some of her issues, and Kiera helps Liam get past what happened to that person he loved. They really work well together, they really challenge each other to become better people, and it was just really great.
There are a few bumps in the road and the issues towards the end made me want to just yell at Kiera about how terrible she is being, but I also get it. I got why there was an issue, but I wanted the characters to have grown enough to be able to get over them quickly. Kiera was annoying me because Liam is so amazing to her and she just is being stupid and stubborn. Even though she has made great strides throughout the book, she still really should talk to someone about everything that happened. She still has a lot of issues that I think will be part of the problem in the next two books. I can't wait to read them and see what happens with Liam and Kiera!
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
Unbreakable was a surprisingly good read. I really enjoyed the story and cared about the characters and what they were going through. It was heartbreaking at times, but then so sweet at times as well. The story opens with Keira and her cousin out at a bar drinking. The cousin goes to hit on a girl after Kiera encourages him to and while he is gone some guys comes up and starts talking to her. She completely freaks out and it is not good. You know right away that whatever happened to Kiera was not good and really messed her up. Her cousin, Scotty, is the only guy she is comfortable around. She pretty much has been holed up in her house or with Scotty for the past year since whatever happened. Man, you just feel for her. She is obviously so terrified of guys, any guy, and really not living much of a life.
It has been a year since what happened, and Kiera is not really getting any better. Scotty is finally trying to get her to think about getting professional help. He is trying to get her to go talk to someone so she can try and have a life again. It is not good for her to be so scared of everything all the time and have completely over the top irrational responses to other people. He is slowly trying to get her to try doing new, simple things. He is pushing on her comfort zone a bit to try and get her to start working through her issues. It is slowly revealed what happened to traumatize Kiera and man. Leading up to that I was thinking it was going to be way worse, but it is bad enough as it is. She definitely holds herself responsible for some things that are not really her fault like a lot of people in situations like this. She has had a rough little while there and you just feel for her and want her to get better.
Liam is Scotty's friend and he has some skeletons in his closet as well. He lost someone close to him and that makes him very angry. He uses that anger to make a living in competitive fighting. He is great at is as he just tunes into that anger he has been holding onto for so long. He doesn't really do relationships as he thinks he wouldn't be very good for anyone else. He is broken and he doesn't want to inflict that on someone else who is whole. Why share this anger and pain and darkness with someone else?
When Kiera and Liam meet you can tell Liam is drawn to her. He is this big muscular guy who really kind of frightens Kiera. He tries his best to be not intimidating and keep her calm and it is really sweet to watch. He recognizes the shared pain that they have. He doesn't know what happened to her, but he sees his own struggles and pain in her. He doesn't give up and pushes Kiera out of her comfort zone at times, but when she runs away he always comes back to try and fix it and move her forward. He doesn't push too hard, but enough that she starts doing more things that she hasn't in a while. She starts being comfortable around Liam and expanding her circle of friend. They are really great together once they can work everything out. Liam is perfect for Kiera and helps her work through some of her issues, and Kiera helps Liam get past what happened to that person he loved. They really work well together, they really challenge each other to become better people, and it was just really great.
There are a few bumps in the road and the issues towards the end made me want to just yell at Kiera about how terrible she is being, but I also get it. I got why there was an issue, but I wanted the characters to have grown enough to be able to get over them quickly. Kiera was annoying me because Liam is so amazing to her and she just is being stupid and stubborn. Even though she has made great strides throughout the book, she still really should talk to someone about everything that happened. She still has a lot of issues that I think will be part of the problem in the next two books. I can't wait to read them and see what happens with Liam and Kiera!
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
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