My Favorite Books I Read in 2014

Wow I can't believe 2014 is already over! This year has really just flown by for me. It was a good reading year. I started off with a lot (for me) of five star reviews. It made me think am I getting lax? Or are these books just that good? Well I think it was that there were a lot of great books that came out this year. So I think I will do a top 20 books that I have read. There were a lot of great ones so it was hard to choose, but I think I have a good selection. The follow are in no particular order, except the top two reads that will be at the end. This year there were two books that just really blew me away that stick out as over and above the rest. So here we go (click the title to go to my full review of the book): Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan. Man I loved this book. Archer is so sweet and wonderful and amazing and I loved him. Bree was just amazing with him and oh it was so good. The scene where Archer is out in the thunderstorm on the porch...oh if I hadn't...