Best reads of 2017

Wow, 2017 has been a great year for reading. I found a lot of new to me authors that I now love, lots of great books from authors I already loved, just a lot of great reads. As always it was difficult to choose just 20 favorite reads from this past year that were my favorite reads. There were so many I loved I really had to narrow it down to one per author or I never would have been able to choose 20. So without further ado my top 20 books of 2017 - you can click the title to go to my full review - in no particular order. They are all amazing. The Radium Girls by Kate Moore This was definitely my favorite non-fiction book I have read. I don't read a lot of non-fiction, I don't come across that many that pique my interest, but The Radium Girls was fantastic. Horrific what happened to these poor women, but I did learn a lot from this book and they did accomplish what they wanted - to help others even though they were dying. Beard...