#BookBlogWriMo Day 19: #WaitingOnWednesday – TBR Books

Day 19: #WaitingOnWednesday – TBR Books
So I have like a billion books on my to read list on Goodreads, but that doesn't even include all of the upcoming books and such that I am looking forward to. I think today I shall write about a few books that are releasing soon that I can't wait to read!
A Very Grey Christmas (Kissing Eden Book 3) by T.A. Foster comes out tomorrow! I read I read Kissing Eden and Loving Eden and enjoyed both of them so I am looking forward to spending a little more time with Eden and Grey. Plus I love some good Christmas reads. Check it out on Goodreads
Sugar Rush (Friend-Zoned Book 3) by Belle Aurora is being release on Friday and I am so looking forward to this one. I think this is what I will start reading once I finish this post up since it is going to be so much fun! I loved the first two books in the series, they were so much fun, so I can't wait to read this one. Find it on Goodreads
'Til Death by Belle Jewel is another one I have to read that comes out on the 25th. This will be my first book from this author and the synopsis really intrigued me. A girl marries this guy only to find out that she was nothing more than a business transition for him so she will make him pay. Sounds good to me and I really hope it is amazing. Find it on Goodreads
Scenes from the City by Penny Reid is being released Dec 1 and even though I just posted my review of it I am going to include it here because everyone should know Penny Reid. This is not a stand alone, and only available until the 15th, so definitely read her other Knitting in the City series books first. They are amazing so it is a win win win. Add it on Goodreads
You Were Mine (Rosemary Beach Book 9) by Abbi Glines is coming out Dec 2 and I am so excited! I really love the Rosemary Beach series and I am excited to see what Bethy and Trip's past history is! It should be good. Add it on Goodreads
Shadowed Heart: Luc & Summer Book 2 (Amour et Chocolat) by Laura Florand is releasing Dec 3! Laura Florand is probably my favorite author I discovered this year. Her stories always leave me so warm and fuzzy and gooey inside. They are hot and sweet and just perfect so I can't wait for this new release. I should go back and re-read The Chocolate Heart since this is a sequel. Add it on Goodreads
Justified by Aurora Rose Reynolds is coming out Dec 29th. I love her alpha males so I can't wait to read her new novella. Should be good. Add it on Goodreads
Those are all of the books coming out in the next few weeks that I am looking forward to. So many good books to look forward to!
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