#BookBlogWriMo Day 23: Book Boyfriend Criteria

Day 23: Book Boyfriend Criteria
Book boyfriends are often times kind of an odd thing for me. Does this mean boys that I would want to date in real life if I were single? I love a lot of boys in books, but usually I love them for the girls in said books. Not so much for myself. Like Dom from The Chocolate Touch by Laura Florand. I love Dom, love him so much, but not for me. I love him with Jamie. But I do have a couple book boyfriends that would be for me so I guess I will describe them a bit. It is hard to put together a list of what my ideal would be as I have dated guys who if you forced me to make a list they would have fit it perfectly and it just didn't work out. I am still friends with them, but it was never romantic even though they would have checked all the boxes. So I like characters. It is easier to say this person, he is what I want instead of pieces from a, a bit from b, and a tad from c to make this guy cause that doesn't really work for me.
First up is the tattooed caveman type. Lots of awesome tattoos, lots of piercings, hair dyed lots of colors and changed now and again, maybe a mohawk or something similar, tall and kind of lanky but muscular at the same time. Maybe kind of a slight punk feel to his clothing or skater boy style something like that. Casual, not suit and tie. That would be what he looks like. Like Rule by Jay Crownover. He was always my ultimate tattooed alpha male type guy. I love him and yeah. He was what I would go to when someone asked about book boyfriends. He knows what he wants and he takes it, but he is also super sweet and gentle with me when he needs to be. Super hot. Rule is looks wise my favorite book guy.
Now Rule was always what I would have said was my ultimate book boyfriend. I love the tattooed boys. Love them. Then I read Beauty & the Mustache by Penny Reid and everything changed. Drew just blew everyone else out of the water. He is so romantic and sweet and kind and perfect and a poet and smart and amazing and nothing like what I would normally say I would like in a guy. I don't really do romance. I don't get it in general. Grand romantic gestures are lost on me. Love poem, no thanks I'm fine. But Drew....Drew has all of this and more and I want nothing more than to be swept away in his romantic gestures and just be a gooey mess forever. I just want him to write me poems and read them to me all day. I just want to be swept up in him. He is now who I immediately think of when I think book boyfriends. He is definitely more his personality than what he looks like. In my head he would be tall and kind of muscular, but not super muscles, with a beard and more like mountain man type. And so sweet and just amazing. Really Drew represents everything I never knew I liked and thought I hated, but after reading him realize he is what I would want over everything else. After reading him all the tattooed boys are a distant memory. Sure when I read them I love them, but Drew holds my book heart. Swoon.
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