ARC review: Once Upon A Rose (La Vie en Roses #2) by Laura Florand

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She stole his roses.
Fleeing the spotlight, burnt out rock star Layla—“Belle”—Dubois seeks refuge in the south of France. That old, half-forgotten heritage in a valley of roses seems like a good place to soothe a wounded heart. She certainly doesn’t expect the most dangerous threat to her heart to pounce on her as soon as she sets foot on the land.
He wants them back.
Matt didn’t mean to growl at her quite that loudly. But—his roses! She can’t have his roses. Even if she does have all those curls and green eyes and, and, and…what was he growling about again?
Or maybe he just wants her.
When an enemy invades his valley and threatens his home, heart, and livelihood, Matthieu Rosier really knows only one way to defend himself.
It might involve kissing.
*Note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
Wow Laura Florand writes stories that are so amazing they make me want things I don't even really like. Her Amour et Chocolate series made me crave chocolates, and I am not a fan of them. I even thought while reading one "I wonder if Raymond (my husband) will bring me home some chocolates today..." The answer is no, no he will not since he knows they are not my thing. She makes everything so desirable that I just can't help but want to be wrapped up in the same world she creates. She always makes these magical stories that just make me so warm and fuzzy inside that I just melt. I love it. After reading one of her stories I am just so happy and full of love and wonder it is an amazing thing. This time she does it with roses in the south of France. Now roses are not my favorite flowers, they are alright, but Once Upon A Rose...well now I want to just lay on a bed of rose petals, have the scent of roses just wafting through the air, just immerse myself in them. I wish I had a way with words like she does. I wish I could craft something as beautiful as her stories. I will have to settle for just reading them, relishing them and their wonderfulness.
This is one of those books that I savored. This is one of the few times that I put the book aside multiple times not because I wasn't enjoying it, but because I was enjoying it too much. I wanted it to last longer. I was sad as I turned the pages because every page I turned meant a page closer to the end. This is one of those books that I tried to read as slowly as possible as I just did not want to leave it. This is one of those books that I will read again and again as it is just too good not to.
So Once Upon A Rose. Matt, oh Matt. You are so big and grumbly but have such a soft heart. You make me so warm and fuzzy inside. I love love loved Matt. He reminded me in a lot of ways of Dom from The Chocolate Touch who is one of my favorite book guys every. They are both these big, strong, tough guys who are also incredibly fragile. They both try to project this tough, nothing can hurt them kind of persona so people won't see any weakness, when really their hearts are so sweet and kind and just in danger of melting, of letting everyone see how fragile they are. I loved Matt just as I loved Dom. He is this big grumbly bear, but really is just a sweet old teddy bear that seems so cuddly! Just watching him always try to protect himself, always have his arms crossed to try and keep people from seeing his heart, keep people from getting in and hurting him, it was just want to give him all the hugs and snuggle up with him and just be engulfed by him. I just loved him so much.
Layla I had a harder time connecting with. I liked her, but not as much as some of the other ladies in Florand's books. I didn't really connect with the famous musician aspect, but I did like a lot of things that came out of her being a musician. I loved how she talked about Matt and how his growly voice she just wants to capture and play. How he is an instrument that she needs to work with, to meld with, to bring to life. I did enjoy reading her, I just didn't always connect or understand her.
So this book starts off with Layla coming into Matt's home on his birthday and those opening scenes were just so strangely wonderful. The way Matt is with her instantly, how he is all stay back she is mine! oh it was adorable! I loved it! Only Layla is here to take some of his land. She was left a piece of land in his valley with his roses! So things start off kind of rocky between the two since Matt is taken aback that she is there to take part of what is his, and he doesn't always react the right way. Matt has this very stiff view of how things are, how he the valley is his and he can't leave it. Even still Layla is drawn to him, drawn to his growling, just drawn to most everything about him. It was so cute watching the two of them together. Matt has some issues in his past that are still haunting him, things that almost cause some problems, but they are so perfect together things never really get out of control crazy. It was really nice to see two people work things through without a ton of drama. It was nice seeing that things can just work out with help from both sides. Sometimes loving each other is enough and it will make everything possible. Such a great read!
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★3/4
*Note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
Wow Laura Florand writes stories that are so amazing they make me want things I don't even really like. Her Amour et Chocolate series made me crave chocolates, and I am not a fan of them. I even thought while reading one "I wonder if Raymond (my husband) will bring me home some chocolates today..." The answer is no, no he will not since he knows they are not my thing. She makes everything so desirable that I just can't help but want to be wrapped up in the same world she creates. She always makes these magical stories that just make me so warm and fuzzy inside that I just melt. I love it. After reading one of her stories I am just so happy and full of love and wonder it is an amazing thing. This time she does it with roses in the south of France. Now roses are not my favorite flowers, they are alright, but Once Upon A Rose...well now I want to just lay on a bed of rose petals, have the scent of roses just wafting through the air, just immerse myself in them. I wish I had a way with words like she does. I wish I could craft something as beautiful as her stories. I will have to settle for just reading them, relishing them and their wonderfulness.
This is one of those books that I savored. This is one of the few times that I put the book aside multiple times not because I wasn't enjoying it, but because I was enjoying it too much. I wanted it to last longer. I was sad as I turned the pages because every page I turned meant a page closer to the end. This is one of those books that I tried to read as slowly as possible as I just did not want to leave it. This is one of those books that I will read again and again as it is just too good not to.
So Once Upon A Rose. Matt, oh Matt. You are so big and grumbly but have such a soft heart. You make me so warm and fuzzy inside. I love love loved Matt. He reminded me in a lot of ways of Dom from The Chocolate Touch who is one of my favorite book guys every. They are both these big, strong, tough guys who are also incredibly fragile. They both try to project this tough, nothing can hurt them kind of persona so people won't see any weakness, when really their hearts are so sweet and kind and just in danger of melting, of letting everyone see how fragile they are. I loved Matt just as I loved Dom. He is this big grumbly bear, but really is just a sweet old teddy bear that seems so cuddly! Just watching him always try to protect himself, always have his arms crossed to try and keep people from seeing his heart, keep people from getting in and hurting him, it was just want to give him all the hugs and snuggle up with him and just be engulfed by him. I just loved him so much.
Layla I had a harder time connecting with. I liked her, but not as much as some of the other ladies in Florand's books. I didn't really connect with the famous musician aspect, but I did like a lot of things that came out of her being a musician. I loved how she talked about Matt and how his growly voice she just wants to capture and play. How he is an instrument that she needs to work with, to meld with, to bring to life. I did enjoy reading her, I just didn't always connect or understand her.
So this book starts off with Layla coming into Matt's home on his birthday and those opening scenes were just so strangely wonderful. The way Matt is with her instantly, how he is all stay back she is mine! oh it was adorable! I loved it! Only Layla is here to take some of his land. She was left a piece of land in his valley with his roses! So things start off kind of rocky between the two since Matt is taken aback that she is there to take part of what is his, and he doesn't always react the right way. Matt has this very stiff view of how things are, how he the valley is his and he can't leave it. Even still Layla is drawn to him, drawn to his growling, just drawn to most everything about him. It was so cute watching the two of them together. Matt has some issues in his past that are still haunting him, things that almost cause some problems, but they are so perfect together things never really get out of control crazy. It was really nice to see two people work things through without a ton of drama. It was nice seeing that things can just work out with help from both sides. Sometimes loving each other is enough and it will make everything possible. Such a great read!
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★3/4
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