Santa's Little Helper by H.D. Gordon

Santa's Little Helper


He shows up in a white box, with a bright red book under his arm... He wears a jolly grin and hat, a suit with gold bells and green yarn... He watches you for Santa, or so his red book claims... But though his grin is jolly, he's not here for fun and games...

The children have been chosen, such precious little souls they are... And may the Gods be with them, if they wish to make it very far... For Santa's Little Helper does not say, but knows important things... He knows when you've been bad or good, and what monsters stalk your dreams... He knows when you are sleeping... He knows when you're awake... He's picking out his presents... He's got some souls to take...


*Note I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This book will be released Oct 31 and is available for pre-order now*

When I saw H.D. Gordon had a new horror book coming out, Santa's Little Helper, I was so excited. I might have done a happy dance around the room. Okay who am I kidding, I did do a happy dance. I couldn't wait to read it as I just knew it would be amazing. I mean the fact that it is a creepy Christmas book alone is enough for me to do a little jump for joy. I love creepy Christmas things. They are the best! Second it is written by H.D. Gordon. After reading her Joe Knowe series and loving them, loving how intense they were, I knew this book would be just as good. While they are not horror they did show how the author can really write some scenes that keep me on the edge of my seat. Thankfully I was not disappointed.

If you like horror stories then this is the book for you. I love horror. Movies, books, anything creepy/scary/whatever I love. Unfortunately I usually find them disappointing, which is why I don't read a lot of them. I pretty much cannot find anything that I think is actually scary, like keep me up at night can't read in the dark kind of scary. I just want a great story that is not lame. I want it to be suspenseful and sinister and unnerving and just something that embodies that horror spirit that would terrify a child. That is what I want. It is hard to come by for me.

H.D. Gordon, however, does this very well. In this book she has such an amazing way of describing everything that it just left these very vivid pictures in my head. I kept having to put the book aside and try and get them down on paper as they were way too cool not to exist. If only I were a better artist. The whole time reading this book I was also imagining it was in a children's book format. You know one of those large hardback books for kids with the bright, cheerful covers. It would be amazing. The brightly colored red and green Christmas book with creepy as all get out pictures besides the wonderful text would...I could just see myself curled up in a chair by the fireplace reading it aloud with the stockings on the mantel and the tree in the corner. I know it would be problematic to actually do that as it is a full length book, but the image won't leave my head. The authors imagery is so awesome that I just can't help but visualize everything that went on in the story in great detail and I loved that.

This book really was so much fun. I know this might sound strange but I read this book with this huge smile on my face, just like yes! Give me more of this gross/shiver inducing/creepy scenes. Even now thinking about it I am just giddy. Super smiley, eeee, fan girl like. That is how I know I have found a good horror book. When I am just like this is so much fun! This is so creepy! This makes me shudder just a little bit thinking about it! That is this book.

Santa's Little Helper was just a great read. Creepy elf shows up at multiple kids houses to apparently watch them for Santa, though all is not as it seems. Everything that happens, how you get all of the kids and parents stories, how this evil little elf is just not the happy little dude the parents think it is, was just great. The tension, especially with the kids and how they had to deal with this evil thing, was just perfect. It really just has that something is not right what is going to happen how are they going to get out of this alive?!? vibe. That stressful, nervous vibe you get with good creepy things. Perfect. I had heard of the Elf on the Shelf before, but didn't actually know what it was. When I found out I thought oh, what a great idea for a horror book. If you like scary stories you should definitely check this book out. I loved it. It is a new holiday favorite for me!

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★1/2

Available for pre-order on Amazon, or add to your TBR on Goodreads  


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