Afraid by Jack Kilborn

Afraid - A Novel of Terror
Welcome to Safe Haven, Wisconsin. Miles from everything, with one road in and out, this peaceful town has never needed a full-time police force. Until now...
A helicopter has crashed near Safe Haven and unleashed something horrifying. Now this merciless force is about to do what it does best. Isolate. Terrorize. Annihilate. As residents begin dying in a storm of gory violence, Safe Haven's only chance for survival will rest with an aging county sheriff, a firefighter, and a single mom. And each will have this harrowing thought: Maybe death hasn't come to their town by accident...
I must say Jack Kilborn is a new favorite author of mine. I have been trying to read some good horror/thriller/suspense/whatever creepy books for Halloween. I love that kind of thing, but it is hard to find ones I actually enjoy. I keep trying ones from best of lists I have found and for the most part have been disappointed. Jack Kilborn, though, was one that I just downloaded a while ago and had sitting on my Kindle. I read Trapped a few days ago and now it is Afraid, his first book in this series. Man Kilborn is great at setting up really horrific scenarios. He doesn't seem to hold back. He makes these scenes that are so shiver inducing I cringe and look away, though then I have to keep reading since it is a book. I love it. Definitely a new favorite.
Afraid, just like Trapped, starts off and just pretty instantly is terrible for the characters in the book. There is not a long time of setting up a story, or getting to know the characters before bad things happen. No, you start off right from when things start happening. In this case a helicopter crashes unleashing some really scary, well trained, huge guys who love to torture and kill people. Fun! While I didn't like this story as much as Trapped, I still really enjoyed it. The bad guys are so great and seemingly impossible to stop. The way they set everything up and just took out everyone that can was just perfect. I really just loved the story.
What didn't I like about the story? Well the whole don't kill someone even though they are big scary killers who will most likely find a way to get back at you and torture you for days unless they are actively trying to kill you right at this second. There was the same thing inTrapped, the don't kill people who are trying to kill you because they are people thing. In general I would abide by that rule, but in situations like this nightmarish night where you just barely were able to escape from these huge men it just didn't make sense. Why not take them out when you have the chance? I would. Just look at how many people they have already killed and the horrific ways they have done so in some cases. Then look at what they have already done to you and you are just going to be like well...they are people so...nope. Just nope. They are deadly killers who won't think twice about coming after you again. I need to take them out when you can, or at least make sure they are locked up securely or something so they can't come after you once they wake up again. Sure it is great that you don't want to kill people, but this is kill or be killed time. This is not the time to be nice. I understand not wanting to, but I would also want to live so...
Also Fran annoyed me at times. I know she wanted to keep her kid safe, and everyone really, but she would just not think. It was one of those if you go off half crazed and just don't have a plan you are just going to get yourself killed and put those you care about in more danger trying to save you. So just stop for a second and get it together! That and the whole end where she is just crazy and needs to know what is going on in detail and see it first hand! She needs to!!! It was just like calm it down lady. I don't understand why you are being so crazy. Maybe it is just all the stress, but dude. Chill for a minute. Get through this then worry about why the people were sent to kill everyone. She just made me a little crazy, but I still didn't mind that much.
So overall loved the story. Not as much as Trapped, but it was still a great read. I am excited to see what Kilborn has in story for me next!
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
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