There's Something About Christmas by Debbie Macomber

There's Something About Christmas
Emma, a small-town reporter, is assigned to cover a national contest to find the best fruitcake in America. The assignment is a recipe for love as Emma finds herself attracted to Harrison Oliver, the pilot who flies her to her interviews with contestants. As she struggles not to fall in love, she discovers there's a lot more to the contestants than fruitcake.
There's Something About Christmas was another sweet short Christmas story. For Emma's first series of stories for the paper she works for she is covering the finalists in WA state for the national fruitcake contest. Fruitcake is one of those things that I have never had, but you always hear about people complaining about fruitcake. In movies and books and tv shows it is always like a joke. Oh no fruitcake! So I have never had it, and didn't really even know what it was. I did really enjoy that there were three different recipes in this book and I plan to try them out. Really they sound delicious!
I liked that the fruitcake was a way to pull everything together. I liked the three women's stories, how going to visit each made Emma spend some time with Oliver. I liked how they were always at each other, but also liked each other. I liked how she slowly let him in, slowly realizing he is not like her first impressions. I liked the sweet story of them getting together. I loved how oblivious Emma was every time Oliver did something trying to be romantic. It was so cute having her realize what she did, or didn't do. It was fun.
The only thing I didn't like about it though was the very end. Emma was very against Christmas and Oliver was slowly trying to get her into the Christmas spirit. Then all of a sudden, viola! She is all about Christmas and Oliver! It just seemed kind of sudden, especially with the pacing of the rest of the book. Still I really enjoyed the story over all and though it was a nice, sweet holiday romance.
Rating: 3.5/5
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