Neanderthal Seeks Human: A Smart Romance (Knitting in the City #1) by Penny Reid

Neanderthal Seeks Human (Knitting in the City)


There are three things you need to know about Janie Morris: 1) She is incapable of engaging in a conversation without volunteering TMTI (Too Much Trivial Information), especially when she is unnerved, 2) No one unnerves her more than Quinn Sullivan, and 3) She doesn't know how to knit.

After losing her boyfriend, apartment, and job in the same day, Janie Morris can't help wondering what new torment fate has in store. To her utter mortification, Quinn Sullivan- aka Sir McHotpants- witnesses it all then keeps turning up like a pair of shoes you lust after but can't afford. The last thing she expects is for Quinn- the focus of her slightly, albeit harmless, stalkerish tendencies- to make her an offer she can't refuse.


I just finished this book for the second time (I had read it earlier in the year) and it reminded me again how much I love Penny Reid. It is so much fun and hilarious and my kind of book. Cheesy and ridiculous and just amazing. I laughed out loud at parts. I loved it. If you like ridiculous smart kind of awkward people you will love this book.

So what did I love? Well Janie for one. I wish I knew her in real life because we would totally be bff. Even if she didn't want to be. Just cause I love her so much! She is kind of awkward, which I love, and her random facts and trivia are amazing. I love how she just goes off on things randomly. I would learn so much from her! Plus we would have so much fun together. Think of the random conversations you could have? I mean who wouldn't want to be around her? It did make me sad how she is so insecure because people generally think she is a freak and don't like her. What is wrong with people? I just started watching Bones on tv and Janie kind of reminds me of Brennen in a very good way. I love both of them because they are both super smart but quirky amazing people. I also wish both of them were real so I could hang out with them. So much love for Janie. I love smart female characters.

Quinn is also the best. He gets her. He is so good for Janie. He helps Janie get outside herself some and live a little, be more confident in herself. The way he responds to her random trivia just made me smile so big. I just want to wrap him up in hugs and thank him for being so unbelievably good to Janie. I know Janie is a little oblivious at times, but Quinn is just so perfect for her! He is just....I just love him. He is sweet and kind and caring and the chemistry between the two of them is crazy. The entire book is told from Janie's point of view except the epilogue which is from Quinn. Man I loved the epilogue. It made me fall in love with Quinn even more! He is so sweet and you can see just how much he loves Janie which just makes me melt. It also makes me go back and think of scenes and try and imagine what Quinn was thinking at the time. I know he doesn't think he is a good guy, and maybe in the past he wasn't, but in the present he is perfect! I love him so much. 

Overall I just love this story. It is sweet and smart and funny and just great. Everything I want from a romance in an amazing package. Love it. Now I am ready to read the next book, Friends Without Benefits. I know what I am doing tomorrow! Hopefully it is just as good as this book. 

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★1/2


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